


The project aims to map governance models of social enterprises in Europe, to identify and analyse good practices and draft policy recommendations for European, national and local institutions and stakeholders to promote employee information and consultation rights of social enterprises in Europe. The action focuses on social enterprises providing social services, employment opportunities for disadvantaged and disabled people as well as social enterprises involved in public-social partnerships.



Seminar in Montenegro - 16-17.09.2019

The Rights to Grow project will held a seminar in Budva, Montenegro the 16th and 17th September on “Social economy enterprises: governance models and paths for development in Europe and Western Balkans”. It was an opportunity to improve dialogue and cooperation between various stakeholders but also to analyse trends that can contribute to the cooperation and development of different forms of partnerships and platforms at the reional level and within the Western Balkans region.

You’ll find more information here.

Rights to Grow Main Event - 25.06.2019 - 26.06-2019 - Brussels, Belgium

The Rights to Grow project final event took place on the 25th and 26th June in Brussels, Belgium! During the two days, the participants exchanged on how participation rights can help social enterprises to grow. In the first part, best practices were presented by social enterprises that are using various part of participation practices. Then, the participants shared ideas about the benefits of participation in social enterprises, the obstacles they face to have more efficient participation and how to overcome them and what actions should be taken by stakeholders and politicians to improve the possibilities!


Second team meeting - 24.09.2018 - 25.09.2018 - Milan, Italy

The Rights to Grow meeting was held in Milan with the project's partners. The two days were full of debates and presentations on democratic governance within social enterprises. ACT Grupa, ENSIE's member, presented a Country Scenario for Croatia while, Massimo Privitera, ENSIE's Acting Director, shared ENSIE's view on the importance of democratic governance in Work Integration Social Enterprises during a round table. R2G is a two years project led by Diesis and Funded by the DG Employment. Recently, the R2G project's website has been launched. This website will be strategic to disseminate and share tools, training and information on gouvernance models of Social Enterprises across Europe.

Second steering committee meeting - 19.04.2018 - 17.04.2018 - Sofia, Bulgaria

The Rights to Grow project met in Sofia, Bulgaria for its second Steering Committee meeting. All the partners were able to discuss about the best practices gathered since the beginning of the project.

Kick-off meeting - 06.02.2018 - Brussels, Belgium

The Kick off meeting of Rights to Grow was held on 6 February 2018, from 12:00 am to 17:30 pm. The meeting was chaired by Gianluca Pastorelli, president of DIESIS. The event took place in a conference room of Coonfcooperative in Bruxelles and was attended by 13 participants.


Minutes Download

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.