


RE:DIALOGUES was a project financed by the European Commission under the line Industrial Relations, developped by Groupe Terre from Belgium.

Partners and experts



To find some answers to the industrial relations (social dialogue) that would be adapted to the social economy enterprises in order to enable an harmonious growth favouring quality employment. There is thus a need to prepare the change wihtin the enterprises developing a democratic and participative management. This innovative management raises tensions and paradoxes. It is important to solve it without undermining the social partners.


Final report EN Download
Final report FR Download
Questionnaire Download

February 2013

First meeting between partners and visit of enterprises beside Groupe Terre, Belgium.

March 2013

Meeting between partners and social dialogue actors at nationa level, visit of enterprises beside Consorzio Sociale Abele Lavoro, Italy and elaboration of a questionnaire on the state of play of social dialogue and participative practices in the enterprises of each partner country.

March - June 2013

Studies at national level on the basis of the questionnaire elaborated during the second meeting.

June 2013

Meeting between partners and social dialogue actors at nationa level, visit of enterprises beside Ateliere Fara Frontiere, Romania and presentation of the questionnaire results.

September 2013

Meeting between partners and social dialogue actors at nationa level, visit of enterprises beside Feclei, Spain and draft of european recommendations scoreboard.

 Novembre 2013

Meeting between partners, visit of enterprises beside Relais, France and inputs for the final report of the project.


November 2013 - February 2014

Elaboration of the final report and recommendations of the project.

February 2014

Finale conference of the project on February 20th at the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. This conference gathered more than 70 participants from different European countries and was the occasion to present some recommendations towards an adapted social dialogue for social enterprises in order to enable an harmonious growth favouring quality employment.

Project opportunities



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.