



What is the project about and which are its main aims?

The main objective is to develop a platform towards promoting the financial awareness and improving the financial capability of citizens and market participants.

  • EEA – EEA s.r.o. (Slovakia)

  • CERTH - Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)

  • University of Glasgow - Adam Smith Business School (United Kingdom)

  • DUTH - Democritus University of Thrace (Greece)

  • SWC - Semantic Web Company GmbH (Austria)

  • FEBEA - European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers (Belgium)

Project term: January 2016 - December 2018

ENSIE involvement

ENSIE has been invited to participate in the User Forum. This forum is composed by representatives of all key stakeholders (financial institutions, entrepreneurs, government bodies, educational institutions, banks’ customers and other potential customers and/or final users of PROFIT platform), as well as high-profile experts in the area.  The Forum provides the project with regular feedback.

More information


The PROFIT Project web platform includes financial education material, interactive tests and quizzes, articles from trusted online sources, financial forecasting tools, Questions & Answers forum, and many other tools to help you improve your financial knowledge. You can visit the latest release at

We'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts!


ENSIE participates at the 1st USER DAY - March 16th - BRUSSELS, Belgium.

On the 16th of March, only three months after the launch of the PROFIT project, we held the first event in Brussels, in the context of the Global Money Week. At the User Day were present representatives of the Consortium in charge of the implementation of PROFIT, as well as experts in the fields of finance, economics, EU institutions and European networks. Members of the User Forum were also present. The User Forum is a committee of experts that will provide the project with regular feedback and includes representatives of all key stakeholders, as well as high-profile experts in the area.

During the User Day, Consortium members and attendees were able to introduce themselves in order to get to know each other. Some User Forum members had their own brief presentation which touched on similar projects or goals.

Consortium members provided a description of the project, of financial literacy and on the progress that has been made so far. Special attention was devoted to the creation of user cases and scenarios, with the related questionnaires & methodology. This work will feed into the construction of the PROFIT platform.

Afterwards there was a lively discussion involving all attendees, analysing the methodology and the questionnaires. Feedback was provided by everyone and it was agreed that we continue the discussion in the following weeks. Both the User Forum present at the event and the other guests provided useful insight and the plan is to keep all of them informed in the developments of the project.

Project opportunities



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.