FAQ Collection
The fifth deliverable is a FAQ Collection about the creation and organisation of networks.
How does a network of WISEs work?
A network of WISEs (work integration social enterprises) operates by offering support for its members and inspiring them, facilitating access to financing, promoting good practices, identifying key stakeholders and advocate for enabling public policies for vulnerable people integration and role of WISEs as a solution for this integration.
Why would I adhere to a network and what does that bring to me?
One of the main reasons is having a collective voice that reinforces the power of negotiation, which allows networks to be able to change the law. Other reasons to join a network are: making projects together, exchanging good practices and sharing experiences, gaining more knowledge, developing mutual support or getting fresh ideas. On a more practical aspect, being part of a network is also an opportunity to group purchasing of services and have discount on trainings or products.
How is a network or any organization structured, who is responsible for what?
It is important to keep in mind that there is a large variety of possible structures (association, foundation, NGO, …) with their specificities that can be different from one country to another, as there is no unified framework at the EU level. There is a vast difference between networks in Europe. However, there is no perfect structure nor any perfect network organization, it depends on the country, the legal opportunities, and local necessities.
You can access the complete document with all questions below.