ENSIE participated in the first multiplier event of the EPP project which was organized by the Italian partner SCF- Scuola Formazione Centrale on March 2-3 in Bologna, in cooperation with the EVT- Enterprise Vocation Transition, an Italian network that provides vocational training, transitional employment in specific enterprises as well as permanent employment in the social enterprise sector.
After a very warm welcome by Giovanni Zonin, director of SCF, and Rebecca Minghetti, the first day of the multiplier event started with a study visit at the CIM cooperative - Cooperativa di Solidarietà Sociale Onlus Bologna. CIM works with different target groups, such as long-term unemployed persons, migrants and also people with disabilities, promoting work integration through assembling and packating work, creative work (seewing, carpentry, creative painting) and also runs its own cantine and restaurant. Thanks to CIM's wide range of activities, beneficiaries can circulate between different work places according to their capacities and needs. Furthermore, CIM offers different social services to migrants and other groups vulnerable to social exclusion.
After the lunch at CIM's cantine, Social Seed, a Bologna-based organization supporting start-up WISEs, gave a brief overview of the European WISE landscape and current challenges to start the discussion among participants, WISE representatives from all over Europe (Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, UK, and notably Italy), two European WISE networks - CEC and ENSIE - participated too.
Rebecca Minghetti from SCF then presented the EPP's training packages for job coach and social marketing reponsable in order to collect feedback and comments from the participants. A lively discussion and exchange on training needs succeeded which also reflected the very different conditions and frameworks for WISEs' activities throughout Europe.
The first day of the multiplier event ended with a dinner at the CIM cooperative's restaurant "La Taverna del Castoro".