



DIGIT-ABLE enhances the digital capacities of Social Enterprises, especially WISEs and those providing services to people with disabilities, by identifying digital needs and developing tailored training programs. It promotes digital transition through capacity-building activities and the Digital Innovation Hubs, fostering collaboration between Social Enterprises and tech companies.

DIGIT-ABLE boosts digitalization among social enterprises, particularly WISEs and service providers for people with disabilities. These enterprises face barriers such as a lack of advanced digital skills and insufficient investment in digital infrastructure. DIGIT-ABLE aims to bridge this gap by fostering collaboration with tech companies, boosting digital skills, and enabling a more inclusive and tailored digital transition.

Project objectives:

  • Provide Social Enterprises - WISEs and service providers, with a specific focus on those providing services to people with disabilities - with advanced digital skills through capacity building
  • Foster collaborations with tech organisations to drive the adoption of new technologies
  • Enhance digital social innovation capacity

The partners:

DIGIT-ABLE Kick-off Meeting

On the 23th of September 2023, partners have met online for the kick-off meeting. Tasks leaders explained the Work Packages tasks and deliverables to the rest of the consortium. Stay tuned to learn more about Digit-ABLE and its future activities and achievements!

DIGIT-ABLE Transnational Project Meeting #1

On the 29th September 2024, partners gathered in Brussels for the first Transnational project meeting. Partners discussed on on the first steps undertook by the project and its related research activities so far, and on the next steps to take in this direction.

DIGIT-ABLE Transnational Focus Group

The DIGIT-ABLE consortium gathered on the 15th January, 2025, for the Transnational Focus Group. The partners exchanged on the discussions within the focus groups held at the national level in their respective countries, highlighting the methodology and tools exploited, the challenges encountered and the best practices learned and shared during the focus groups.

Project opportunities



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.