The SocialTech4EU project launches the Call for social enterprises for innovation

The SocialTech4EU project launches the Call for social enterprises for innovation

Project - 28-07-2023

SocialTech4EU aims at strengthening the resilience and innovation capacity, competitiveness, and sustainability of social enterprises and the social economy ecosystems. The project is co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for Europe’s recovery (more information at 

The project has just launched a Call for social enterprises providing financial support to carry out a feasibility study, in collaboration with innovation providers, for the development of an “innovation project” for their organisation, that is, for the development and/or customization of digital and/or tech solutions.

The Call is targeted to the social enterprises awarded/contracted under the SocialTech4EU Call for social enterprises for financial support for training. Applications must include the participation of at least 1 and up to 3 innovation providers.

Applicants to the Call can request a financial support of up to € 20.000.  

Deadline to apply is 18 October 2023. 

Find all information and apply at:

All information also at: 

*Social Enterprises as defined by the European Commission



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