Net-Works Project MOOC is out!

Net-Works Project MOOC is out!

Project - 16-03-2023

Net-Works Project partners are glad to announce that MOOC is out and accessible at! The main objective of the free MOOC Networks of work-based adult education providers capacity building”  is to build up and sustain new local/regional networks of work-based adult education providers among developed and less developed networks, focusing on network building: networking principles, lobbying & advocacy, leadership, and financial sustainability, as well as knowledge sharing/ good practices to encourage mutual learning. After completing the MOOC, the learners will be able to:

  • Get familiar with common concepts of social economy for work integration of vulnerable adults: profiles of people from disadvantaged categories, role of work integration social enterprises (WISEs)
  • Understand the purpose of a network. Why and when it is necessary / useful to build a network?
  • How a network looks like - the structure of a network, develop representation and leadership
  • What are the perks of adhering to a network
  • Understand the concepts of advocacy & lobby and when to turn to one of them
  • Get basic know-how on how to create successful advocacy campaigns
  • How to make a network financially sustainable




Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.