First transnational meeting of the WISEs4Youth project

First transnational meeting of the WISEs4Youth project

Project - 29-09-2022

On the Friday, September, 9th, ENSIE virtually met with the partners of the Erasmus+ WISE4Youth project : ACT Group, CDI Macedonia, IDC Serbia, SENT Slovenia and Partners Albania for Change and Development for the first transnational project meeting. The goal of the meeting was to take stock of the activities led by the consortium since the beginning of the project, in April.

To open the meeting, ENSIE policy officer presented first draft of the quality assurance and internal evaluation guide that was produced to ensure quality implementation of the project.

Secondly, the second work package content was discussed in details. SENT and Act Group, presented their work on training modules concepts that will be used in the future to train potential young social entrepreneurs in the Western Balkans! The first training module focuses on social enterprises and WISEs management, covering skills development for youth led social enterprises and/or WISEs. The second training module focuses on the social impact measurement and management.

What is next?

All partners will meet in January 2023 in Slovenia for a 5-day training for trainers

during which partners will gain all necessary skills and knowledge to administer and deliver both training modules in their respective countries to the target group itself.

Stay tuned for more info.



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