ENSIE webinar on the EU Semester and Recovery and Resilience Plans


On the 26th of October, ENSIE organised a webinar on the “EU Semester and the Recovery & Resilience Plans: are the social and the circular economies well addressed?”.

This webinar presented the advocacy work that has been done by ENSIE and its EU partners RREUSE, Social Firms Europe – CEFEC and the “Comité européen de coordination” (CEC) in order to contribute to the inclusiveness of the national decision-making processes, regarding the adoption of national Recovery and Resilience Plans as well as to raise the awareness on the importance of the social economy actors in the recovery process. This webinar was also an opportunity for ENSIE to share its study on the analysis of the Member States Recovery and Resilience plans (RRPs). Precisely, ENSIE analysed the European Commission’s staff working documents and the Council implementing decisions[1] on the RRPs of 17 Member States[2], to see how well were the social and circular economies addressed.

The first part of the webinar involved representatives of the European Union. The European Commission’s representative Ms. Santina Bertulessi, Deputy Head of Cabinet for Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs & Social Rights, shared with participants an overview of the NRRPs and their inclusiveness with regards to the social & circular economies. This presentation was followed by the intervention of Ms. Tana Foarfa, economic and fiscal advisor in the Cabinet of the MEP Dragos Pislaru. She shared with us the EP’s negotiation process on the Plans but also how to better use the EU Semester process to make the best use of the NRRPs for social and circular economies development. The second part of the webinar allowed participants to discover more about the actions were led by civil society organisations (CSO) to influence the drafting of the RRPs in Belgium, Romania, Finland and Spain as well as the CSOs opinions on the plans.

You can find here ENSIE analysis of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans


[1] Please find analysed documents here : https://bit.ly/3Bmhso3

[2] AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, EL, ES, FR, HR, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, PT, SI, SK.




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