The Social Economy Intergroup

The Social Economy Intergroup is a platform for exchange between members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and members of the civil society. It was created in 1990. It represents an essential link into the democratic process of the European Union. Its objective is to promote exchanges of views on EU policies and legislation linked to social economy issues,to provide regular opportunities for dialogue between MEPs, social economy experts, European Commission officials, civil society representatives and other relevantstakeholders,to bring together MEPs from all political parties and all member states,to ensure that the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Ministers take into account the social economy and in the development of their policies.

Social Economy Europe serves as the Secretariat of the Intergroup. You can find all the information regarding the intergroup here. 

The Social Economy Intergroup main actions are

Meetings with MEPs, representatives of other EU institutions and representatives of the civil society;  Monitoring legislation, closely with the European Parliament’s Committees, on issues relevant for the Social Economy;  Drafting memorandums as awareness raising tools;


Using parliamentary questions to call upon the Council and/or the European Commission to offer a clear answer to questions of concern to social economy actors;  Organising events aimed at the promotion of parliamentary work on the social economy; Disseminating information to the press in order to inform Europan citizens of matters of interest.

The 2019-2024 Social Economy Intergroup

For the 2019-2024 term, the Co-Chairs are Manon Aubry (GUE/NGL, FR), Claude Gruffat (Greens/EFA, FR), Patrizia Toia (S&D, IT)

Leopoldo Lopez (EPP, ES), Monica Semedo (Renew, LU) and the Vice-Chairs are Jordi Cañas (Renew, ES) et Leszek Miller (S&D, PL).


7 October - Online & in San Sebastian - Social Economy as an Industrial Ecosystem: a catalyst to Build Back Better and Fairer.

18 February- Online - Social Economy Integroup online hearing on Skills and Digitalisation 


10 November - Online - Social Economy Integroup online hearing on Social Economy’s vision for a Green & Fair transition

2 June - Online - Social Economy Intergroupe online hearing on the European Action Plan for the Social Economy - Agenda - Video of the event

21 January - Brussels (Belgium) - Social Economy Intergroup Constitution and Bureau. 


6 February - Brussels (Belgium) - “Social Economy for the future of the European Union“ - Agenda

20 November  - Brussels (Belgium) - “Let’s renew the Social Economy Intergroup” - Agenda

ENSIE's past activities in the framework of the Intergroup


5 September - Brussels (Belgium) - Massimo Privitera, Acting director of ENSIE Participated to the “Responsible Public procurement and the Social Economy” event at the European Parliament - Agenda

4 April - Brussels (Belgium) - “A new generation of public policies for the Social Economy” - Agenda

31 January - Brussels (Belgium) - “The Role of the Social Economy in shaping the Future of Work“ - Agenda


24 October: Brussels (Belgium) - he bureau of the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup (SEIG) met in Strasbourg with the European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, Jyrki Katainen, and with Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen - Press Release

27 September - Brussels (Belgium) - Social Economy’s contribution to Europe’s sociological transition - Agenda

27 June - Brussels (Belgium) - The Impact of EU tax policies on Social Economy - Agenda


28 september - Brussels (Belgium) - Patrizia Bussi attended the event on “Towards a European Action Plan for the social economy” - Agenda - Minutes

17 March - Brussels (Belgium) - Salvatore Vetro attended the event on '“Public Procurement : boosting partnerships between the social economy and public authorities” - Agenda - Minutes.

12 January - Brussels (Belgium) - Erika Lambert and Salvatore Vetro atteend the event on “The Social Economy : Creating good quality jobs in Europe” - Agenda


23 September - Brussels (Belgium) - “An EU legal framework for social economy enterprises and organisations” - Agenda - Minutes

25 June - Brussels (Belgium) - Salvatore Vetro attends the Social Economy Intergroup "Financing Social Economy Enterprises: Social Impact Investment and Financing Mechanisms" - Program - Minutes

22 April - Brussels (Belgium) - Patrizia Bussi attends the Social Economy Intergroup "Integrating Social Economy into the EU Policy Programme" - Program - Minutes


11 December - Brussels (Belgium) - ENSIE and its members supporter Social Economy Europe with “ad hoc” actions addressed to the different national MEPs in order to obtain the re-establishment of the Social Economy Intergroup. On 11th December, the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament has officially confirmed the re-establishment of the Social Economy Integroup. ENSIE announcement: English

2 April - Brussels (Belgium) - Aurélie Duprés and Salvatore Vetro attend the Social Economy Intergroup “The Future of Social Economy Policies after the Strasbourg Declaration”


9 July - Brussels (Belgium) - Aurélie Duprés attends the Social Economy Intergroup

6 March - Brussels (Belgium) - Salvatore Vetro speaks at the Social Economy Intergroup “Social Dialogue and Social Economy, State of the Art?"


6 September - "Social Economy, Growth and Employment" with the participation of Benoit Hamon, French Deputy Minister for Social and Solidarity Economy

20 June - "SGEI Entrustment Acts: Which Initiative for the Social Economy?"

30 May - "The Social Economy in the Member States. Where does the EU Added Value lie?"

29 March - Brussels (Belgium) - ENSIE attends the Social Economy Intergroup on the follow-up of the Commission Social Business Initiative


8 December - "The Social Economy in the European Agenda" - Salvatore Vetro, ENSIE's treasurer, represents ENSIE and talks about "Social Innovation and Governance". This Intergroup was also the occasion to promote the European Workers' Campaign at the European Parliament.

12 October - "Reform of State Aid Rules to SGEI" - This one was realized together with the Public Services Parliamentary Intergroup. ENSIE followed the different public hearing with a particular interest.

16 June - "The new Cohesion Policy & the New Structural Funds post 2013"

12 April - "The Social Economy in the EESC President’s Work Programme" and "The Modernisation of EU Public Procurement Policy"

2 March - "Financial Instruments for the social economy enterprises"

13 January - "Different European statutes for the social economy actors" - This first one led to a press release: "The European Parliament and the European Commission stress the value of a legal recognition of social economy actors", available on the website

ENSIE and Social Economy Europe suported the protest of the Romanian civil society against the law on social enterpreneurship !

Here you can find the two letters to the Romanian Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection and to the Committee on Economic policy.


The renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup was confirmed in December 2009. From January on, ENSIE is with Social Economy Europe, of which it is a member. The members sought to establish the necessary structures to enable the Intergroup to work in a more efficient way and to provide the expected results. An assessment of activities and a review of the functioning of the Intergroup took place.

Weakest points were identified and solutions were proposed, particularly regarding the smooth running. Divergences in expectations and objectives to be reached were thoroughly looked at. A wide consultation regarding the topics to be dealt with was launched among civil society actors engaged in the activities of the Intergroup, so ENSIE was also questioned. 

Decision was taken that the Intergroup's activities would be fully included in the European Parliament's work. Specific recommendations in link with the subjects dealt with during public hearings were edited and sent to members of the European institutions. Six public hearings were held and three of those led to the drafting of recommendations. One hearing was organised jointly with the Public Services Intergroup.

ENSIE attended all the hearings. In the hearing of 6 April, Salvatore Vetro presented the network and the recommendations of the peer review "The Social Economy from the Perspective of Active Inclusion. Employment opportunities for people far from the labor market". This peer review was organized by the European Commission at the request of the Belgian government.


ENSIE participated in the round table "Social Economy: the challenges", organised by the MEP Patrizia Toia and Bernard Lehideux on 20 January in Brussels. 

The renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup was confirmed in December 2009. From January on, was  with Social Economy Europe, of which it is a member.


In 2008 the subjects of the meetings were: Social Services of General Interest, Health directive on patient mobility, internal market strategy revision, Small Business Act, European Private Company, European Foundation statute, European Commission budget proceeding 2008, European Parliament project of budget 2009, Social Protection Committee topics. In 2008 the Parliamentary Inter-group also works with Social Economy Europe in order to organize the Social Economy Week, which took place in the European Parliament of Brussels from the 13th to the 16th May 2008. 4 days for social economy. In the European Parliament in Brussels:

a permanent exhibition on social economy – there were several photos of ENSIE members;

a press conference;

the monthly meeting of the European Parliament Social Economy Intergroup;

a conference organized by the Socialist group in the European Parliament, with the support of MEPs Harlem Désir, Stephen Hughes, Joel Hasse-Ferreira and Anne Ferreira – speakers include the Commissioner for social affairs Vladimir Spidla, members of the European Parliament and the ESCE, representatives of the European Commission and social economy actors.

In 2008 ENSIE took part in the seven meetings of the Inter-group as recognised organization of social economy, privileged contact for the specific problems relating to the social integration companies.


The Inter-group also produced a “Social economy”, Memorandum.

In 2007 ENSIE took part in the six meetings of the Inter-group as recognised organization of social economy, privileged contact for the specific problems relating to the social integration companies. On the 21st November, 2007 ENSIE presented its activities to the other recognized actors of social economy.


The inter-group has been supported by the two vice-chairmen: Philippe Busquin and Mario Mauro. This Inter-group is like a discussing forum which tries to do political lobbying and to transfer and communicate social economy sector worries. The inter-group is recognised by political parties (to create an inter-group three political parties must attend) but is not an official instance of the European Parliament. It can’t stop any decision. It has an informal function.

ENSIE is the main contact concerning specific problems for social integration enterprises (in UK: social firms). ENSIE met the Commissioner Mr V. Spidla.



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.