ENSIE and its team thanks to its long experience in European projects, support to its members and events organisations is proposing its services to interested stakeholders, especially from the Social Economy sector.

The ENSIE team can propose services in various areas.

Expertise on projects: 

  • Support to project application
  • Support to project management

Expertise in European policies related to the social economy and WISEs

  • Provide knowledge on various EU policies and contacts with EU representatives 
  • Support to be involved in the European Semester process

Other support activities:

  • WISEs network development 
  • Capacity building activities
  • Support in events organisations (study visits, seminars, conferences, webinars,...)
  • Translation

The rate depends on the task and the country where you are based. 

If you want more information on the services ENSIE can provide, please contact Caterina : caterina.grimaldi@ensie.org

Examples of services provided

  • Trainings on EU projects (MFC, AFIN,...)
  • Translations from EN to FR and from FR to EN (AMTCC project
  • Collect and presentation of good practices from WISEs in Europe (SI Plus


On the 9th of July 2024, ENSIE delivered a webinar on Consortium Building, hosted by Pobal, providing an overview of some key considerations entities should take when formin a consortium. Here's a feedback from Pobal, organiser of the event:

We have received lots of great feedback after the session from those who attended. We have no doubt that the attendees have a much better insight into what to consider when forming a consortium. Sincere thanks to you for pulling it together and delivering it in such an accessible manner.

In September 2022, ENSIE gave a training during an AFIN event on Erasmus + project opportunities, more than 190 persons participated to the training. Here are a few feedbacks from the participants: 

It is useful when we have concrete examples. Very relevant course

Congratulations on the organisation, subjects and coherence of the presentations

Thank you so much for such a beautifully organised event and for all the valuable information provided! I wish you much continued success in all you do! Hopefully the social entrepreneurship will develop as much as possible in Romania because it is much needed!



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.