Learning outcomes:
- To learn what is at stake in the Semester and why it is important to engage;
- To identify the objectives, key moments of and stakeholders in the Semester;
- To gain knowledge on effective methods to influence the process at EU and national levels;
- For EU civil society organisations: to learn about ways to engage national level member organisations in the Semester.
The sessions will be free for Social Platform’s European member organisations and their national members, but they are invited to make a voluntary donation, to help Social Platform’s fundraising efforts, enabling us to offer further trainings in the future.
Other interested stakeholders who are not members of Social Platform or their national members will be asked to pay a participation fee of 150 Euro (payment to be made via this donation page, indicating “Capacity-building Semester, name of registered participant, name of organisation” via the “Write us a message” function of the donation box so that we can trace the payment to the participant). Registered participants who paid for the session will then receive the link to the session after the registration deadline.
More information and agenda of the session